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  1. New memberships may be submitted to the treasurer at any time.

  2. Renewal of membership is due in September of each year with a submission deadline of December of the membership year.

  3. Your membership is from September to September.

  4. Priority in shows will be to currently paid up members.

  5. Artists must have a Western NL residence at least for part of the calendar year.





1. Only original artworks are to be submitted for all LAWN exhibitions.

2. Artist signed postcards and prints of original artworks may be sold at LAWN art sales events.

3. All 2D artwork submitted for exhibitions must be dry, ready to be handled, and ready to hang.

4. All 3D artworks will require the artist to bring or arrange for all the supplies required for installation
(e.g. plinths, display cabinets).

5. Artists will indicate their intent to participate in exhibitions and provide pertinent details (e.g. artist’s
name, title of artwork, medium, date, price if for sale, and 2D/3D size specifications).

6. If an artwork will occupy one area of space but is comprised of multiple pieces, it has to be approved
by the Board.

7. All artwork delivered for shows must be well wrapped and include the artist’s name.

8. By exhibiting artworks in LAWN exhibitions, the artist agrees to having photographs of their work
shown on LAWN’s website, Facebook page, and Instagram account.

If a LAWN Member does not wish to have an artwork shown on social media, they are to notify
LAWN ( prior to the hanging of the exhibition.

9. Contact information provided to buyers at exhibitions will be the LAWN email account, managed by
the Secretary. The Secretary will contact the artist and Treasurer. The artist and buyer will make
arrangements for art sales and transfer of ownership.

10. A commission of 10% is payable to LAWN and sent to the Treasurer, for all work:
- sold during an art exhibition
- committed to during an art exhibition.

11. Artworks sold are to be taken once an exhibition is over with the exception of the HeArt of
Holidays Exhibition which allows that pieces may be taken prior to the end of the show if they are for
gifts. Artists are to contact LAWN’s Exhibition Coordinator to make arrangements if they wish to
exhibit another artwork in a sold artwork’s place.

12. LAWN is not responsible for any damage...artists are responsible for carrying insurance if they
deem necessary.

13. Only members in good standing will be able to participate in art exhibitions.

14. Juried exhibitions will be adjudicated by professional artists who are not LAWN members. Jurers
will be paid the current CARFAC rate for their adjudication. The names of the jurors will only be made
public after the adjudication of an exhibition. Adjudication is to be done blind (no names of artists to be
attached to submitted artworks, artists’ biographies, or artwork descriptions etc.).





1. Grant funded, non-grant funded, and voluntary creative programming opportunities (such as teaching
art workshops, providing educational activities, and other opportunities) will be sent to LAWN
members via email and posted on LAWN’s website, Facebook, and Instagram.

2. Only LAWN developed and Board approved creative programming opportunities will be sent to
LAWN members via email and posted on LAWN’s website, Facebook, and Instagram.

3. LAWN Members are welcome to submit creative programming ideas for consideration by the Board
of Directors at any time.

4. Voluntary creative programming experiences (such as LAWN Maker Spaces and studio visits) are
also welcomed.

5. LAWN Member applications/proposals for creative programming opportunities offered by LAWN
require approval by the Board of Directors and must meet grant funded or non-grant funded
requirements and those of the host venue with regards liability, health and safety, and use of space and

6. CARFAC artist fees will be requested on LAWN grant applications for the provision of creative
programming by LAWN Members.

7. Honoraria for non-grant funded creative programming provided by LAWN Members may be offered
at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

8. Material and supply costs for delivering grant funded or non-grant funded creative programming
must not exceed the amount specified in grant requirements or an amount specified by the Board of

9. All participants in creative programming opportunities may be required to pay for the cost of
materials/supplies they use unless they are covered by a granting body.

10. When the LAWN budget allows, participation in creative programming opportunities will be free
for LAWN Members who have paid membership for the year in which such opportunities are offered. A
fee, however, may be charged to LAWN and non-LAWN Members for participation in creative
programming opportunities approved by the Board of Directors.





1. All LAWN’s social media posts are to be approved by the President, Secretary, and Social Media
Coordinator or Exhibition Coordinator.

2. Only LAWN developed and/or approved social media posts will be sent to LAWN members via
email and posted on LAWN’s website, Facebook, and Instagram.

3. By exhibiting artworks in LAWN exhibitions, the artist agrees to having photographs of their work
shown on LAWN’s website, Facebook page, and Instagram account. If a LAWN Member does not
wish to have an artwork shown online, they are to notify LAWN
( prior to the hanging of the exhibition.

4. LAWN Members may submit a short bio and photo to LAWN
( for inclusion on the list of members on LAWN’s website by the
Social Media Coordinator. This information may be updated once a year if required. If an artist does
not renew their membership after one year has passed, their artist bio and photo may be removed from
the list of members on the website.

5. LAWN Members are encouraged to send details of their recent accomplishments (art exhibitions,
reviews, awards etc) to LAWN ( so they may be posted on
LAWN’s website, Facebook page, and Instagram account by the Social Media Coordinator

6. As often as possible, feature articles of LAWN Member artworks and art practices will be posted on
LAWN’s social media. LAWN Members are to contact LAWN (
if interested in being interviewed for a feature article.

7. Suggestions for improving LAWN’s social media presence are welcomed!





Officers of the Board of Directors:

As per By-Law #5 of the "League of Artists of Western Nfld, Inc", the Officers of the Board of Directors are:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary


As per By-Law #5.07 of the "League of Artists of Western Nfld, Inc", the other Officers of the Board of Directors, as decided by the Directors, are:

  • Social Media & Exhibition Coordinator - has a lead role for art show installations

  • Members-at-Large (2) - have such powers and duties as the Directors or the President may determine.


Note: The Past President will have a Consultation role with the Board of Directors.

© 2022 LAWN (League of Artists of Western Newfoundland)

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